Wednesday, January 28, 2015

SAPOSCOL not starting "Cannot create Shared Memory"

Hi All,

Below are the commands to use saposcol

Login as adm

To start,
sidadm>saposcol -l
To stop,
sidadm>saposcol -k
To check status,

sidadm>saposcol -s

But some time we have error messages like "Cannot create Shared Memory".

You can use command

sidadm>saposcol -c to clear the shared memory and try starting saposcol.

In case if it doesnt start after that also, you can try below command:

>ipcs -ma|grep 4dbe

Share memory key for SAPOSCOL is "4dbe"

you can see that shared memory is assigned and the owner is root.

To clean this you need to execute below command:

ipcrm -m {Memory ID}

In above screenshot you can see that the memory id is 4.

So, the command to clear shared memory is

>ipcrm -m 4

In my example, I tried to clear memory with SIDadm user which is not the owner of the memory assigned. So, clear this memory with root user.

Once it is cleared, you can try starting saposcol with the same command which is shown above.

Example is:

And once, it is started you can check the status with below command:

>saposcol -s.

Sharib Tasneem

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