Thursday, May 21, 2015

Important SAP Basis Transaction

SAP Transport Management

STMS Central Transport Management System
SE01 Transport and Correction System
SE02 Environment Analyzer
SE03 Transport Utilities
SE06 Set up Workbench Organizer
SE07 Transport System Status Display
SE09 Workbench Organizer (Initial Screen)
SE10 Customizing Organizer

SAP User Management

SU01 User Maintenance
SU01D User Display
SU02 Maintain Authorization Profiles
SU03 Maintain Authorizations
SU05 Maintain Internet users
SU10 User Mass Maintenance
SMLG Maintain Logon Group
SUPC Profiles for activity groups
SUIM Info system Authorizations
PFCG Profile Generator
PFUD User Master Data Reconciliation
S002 Easy System Administration Menu
ZAUT maintenance. Requesting new users, changing authorisation, etc.

Tcodes for Daily Monitoring

SM04 Displays User List
AL08 Displays Current Active Users
SM12 Display and Delete Locks
SM13 Display Update Records
SM21 Displays System Log
SM50 Displays Work Process Overview
SM51 Displays List of SAP Servers
SM66 Displays System Wide Work Process Overview
ST22 Displays ABAP/4 Runtime Error Analysis
ST01 Displays System Trace
ST02 SAP Setups/Tune Buffers
ST04 DB activities (SQL Server Performance Analysis)
ST05 Displays Performance trace
ST06 or ST06N Operating System Monitor
ST10 Displays Table call statistics
ST03 Displays Performance, SAP Statistics, Workload

Important DB transaction

DB01 Analyze exclusive lock waits

DB02 Analyze tables and indexes
DB12 DB Backup Monitor
DB13 DBA Planning Calendar
DB15 Data Archiving: Database Tables
DBACOCKPIT - Contains relevant functionality from the old transaction
codes ST04, DB02, DB13, DB12, DB14, and DB13C

Client Administration in SAP

SCC0  Client Copy
SCC1  Client Copy - Special Selections
SCC2  Client transport
SCC3  Client Copy Log
SCC4  Client administration
SCC5  Client Delete
SCC6  Client Import
SCC7  Client Import – Post Processing
SCC8  Client Export
SCC9  Remote Client Copy
SCCL  Local Client Copy

Background Jobs Administration

SM36 Define Background Job

SM37 Background Job Overview

SM39 Job Analysis
SM49 Execute External OS commands
SM62 Maintain Events
SM69 Maintain External OS Commands

Spool Administration

SPAD Spool Management
SP00 Spool and Relate Area
SP01 Spool Control
SP02 Display output Requests
SP03 Spool: Load Formats
SPCC Spool Consistency check
SPIC  Spool : Installation Check Tables
SP11 TemSe Contents
SP12 TemSe Administration

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege

Hi All,

Error while export catalogue object fails with SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege error in SAP HANA DB.

Exact error log is:
SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege: Can't export view SAPSID.0BW:BIA:SID:0SD_C03. user has no privilege on the underlying objects 


Login to SAP HANA Studio as the SYSTEM user
In the security area grant the user that is having the issue the system privilege EXPORT


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

SAPOSCOL not starting "Cannot create Shared Memory"

Hi All,

Below are the commands to use saposcol

Login as adm

To start,
sidadm>saposcol -l
To stop,
sidadm>saposcol -k
To check status,

sidadm>saposcol -s

But some time we have error messages like "Cannot create Shared Memory".

You can use command

sidadm>saposcol -c to clear the shared memory and try starting saposcol.

In case if it doesnt start after that also, you can try below command:

>ipcs -ma|grep 4dbe

Share memory key for SAPOSCOL is "4dbe"

you can see that shared memory is assigned and the owner is root.

To clean this you need to execute below command:

ipcrm -m {Memory ID}

In above screenshot you can see that the memory id is 4.

So, the command to clear shared memory is

>ipcrm -m 4

In my example, I tried to clear memory with SIDadm user which is not the owner of the memory assigned. So, clear this memory with root user.

Once it is cleared, you can try starting saposcol with the same command which is shown above.

Example is:

And once, it is started you can check the status with below command:

>saposcol -s.

Sharib Tasneem